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We all know that our planet can’t survive without these small hard-working insects pollinating our plants and crops. Yet, we are seeing their numbers decreasing at an alarming rate. You can make a difference by creating a safe nesting & breeding structure for solitary bees, where young solitary bees can grow to maturity. Our bee hotels are the perfect solution for this.
A female bee selects a hole of the right size & depth to be her breeding nest. From there, she will fly back & forth in your garden to collect pollen and nectar. This she will mix into a paste. Mama bee places this paste at the back of the hole, where she lays her eggs. Therefore, close by to provide food for her young once hatched. She proceeds to seal off her hole after laying her eggs. Then she will leave the young bees to grow up safely and all by themselves, feeding on the paste left for them. Once they are all grown up and old enough to break the seal, they will fly off to become the next generation of pollinators.
1 Catch your rainwater
2 Mulch, mulch, mulch
3 Plant local species